About Us
Striving relentlessly towards a distant goal, and never to give up is what “Grit” means.
The individual must always pursue great aims; he must pursue the greater, the best, and the perfect, with resolve. He ought to know that he cannot reach his goal only by voyaging on calm and luminous days, that he must never turn away from his aim. By questioning our existence, our universe and our time, we strived to feel and to depict the better, the ideal. We wished to share that, to contact the soul that faced us. Remain mindful of the mythic idea behind our designs, write us, and even inspire us. Inspire us, so you lead us towards the better, let our ideas grow together into waves, waves that will carry us to the deep, magnificent ocean where little water drops are no longer considered as drops but as a whole, great unity. Each of our designs has its own tale, seize what we have said in a sentence and make it grow deeper and more personal, share it, let it form a bond with your mind so it would make your day meaningful, and make you reflect on it.
You would be carrying an idea that you would wear it lovingly, that you would discuss on, which would inspire your life, possibly. You would be seeing it each time you saw watched yourself on a mirror, that idea will always provoke you to pursue the better. You will always feel the positive influence of it.